The Health Of Your Patient Is Our Top Priority
At Valley Central, we truly value the partnership we share with you and know it is paramount to our success. We respect the relationship you have cultivated with your clients and strive to enhance the quality of comprehensive, compassionate care that they expect and deserve from you for all things related to the health and well-being of their pet. That's why we will only provide those services for which a patient has been referred. If a question should arise during diagnosis or treatment, our team will call you to discuss the case and together, we will determine the best course of action for the patient and pet owner. We proudly accept your referrals with a great sense of responsibility, not only to the patient and their family, but also to you, because we recognize that you have trusted Valley Central as an extension of your quality care.
As we are a multi-specialty center, we may determine that it would be in the pet's best interest to see one of our other specialists. We will always notify you if such a need arises. Appointments for consultations can be made by you on behalf of your client or by the client upon your referral. We appreciate receiving all applicable medical records, diagnostic test results, a completed referral form, and any details regarding the patient's special needs are always appreciated.